But I might be wrong. I'll await verification of that from the wonderful Dumdad from The Other Side of Paris who awarded me this very prestigious Dummy. Apparently it's the blogging equivalent of an Oscar, so I am well chuffed.
Mum only told me about it yesterday evening, and this is how I reacted (actually I was also getting excited about Uncle Hugh's 'farting hands' - they always make me go a bit hyper). Also, please excuse mum's very noisy and embarrassing laugh (French Fancy, keep muted). I think she was drunk:
Mum only told me about it yesterday evening, and this is how I reacted (actually I was also getting excited about Uncle Hugh's 'farting hands' - they always make me go a bit hyper). Also, please excuse mum's very noisy and embarrassing laugh (French Fancy, keep muted). I think she was drunk:
Yes, Uncle Hugh is in his Jim Jams again. He is not a slob, honest:)
I love the farting hands! I wonder if Uncle Hugh could teach Mom how to do that. What I really like are real farts - the stinkier the better.
Congrats again on your award good buddy. It looks like you are super happy to be back home.
Congrats on becoming a dummy! I'm one too!
As for Uncle Hugh - I would live in my pajamas if I could... He's a man after my own heart...
You, my darling Henry, are the cutest thing! We don't need farting hands here... we have a farting child ;).
Congrats on your award... you deserve it!
You torment that Woozle! He looks so happy to see you both!
Congrats on the Dummy Award - Very well deserved for a Bloggy Doggy! x
well, parentals can be quite amusing, at times.
Here's a picture painted of one of the cats.
Imagine that, would you?
THREE perfectly wonderful dogs to paint, and he paints a CAT!
(personally, the hope from the dogs' vote is, next time the cat gets painted, blue would be good, and don't bother using canvas. Just paint right on the cat!)
You are indeed the first recipient of a Dummy. Don't chew it all at once.
Heh! I do the same routine if she says 'Where's the fly, Bryn?'
Great to see you back and huge congrats on the award.
You're very deserving! And I love the videos of you and Uncle Hugh. Your mum's laugh in the background just made it that much more fun.
that was just too fun to watch .. lol
congrats on the award .. :)
There is nothing like running around in circles when you are happy and excited.
Well done on your reward. I think. I am assuming a dummy award is something to aim for.
This is so cute! Great to see you get so excited, Henry.
Stubby - I must try to conjur up a 'virtual' fart. Are we getting too 'doggy' on here????
Lady Fi - mum lives in her Jim Jams whenever she's indoors, but don't tell anyone;)
Diane - (Henry laughing his paws off)...ha ha ha .. you always do it to me.....ha ha
A Woman of NI - yes they do torment me, but I LOVE it:)
Boneman - how COULD you? Us dogs are so much cuter. More paintings please. You're clever aren't you?
Dumdad - I thought so. Brill eh?
Herhimnbryn - that's funny:)
Lisa - mum nearly didn't let me use it, but I told her I'd blame it on the booze, so that they'd forgive her for having such a screeching laugh:)
Foam - xxx
Ruby - does make you dizzy though n'est-ce pas?
J Cosmo - it is the highest accolade to have been bestowed upon my hairy head:)
Bindu - I do cute well xx
Congratulations Henry. I had my picture in the paper the other day, but not for getting an AWARD. You certainly do deserve it. Love Love Love your video. I race in circles too. Just much smaller ones.
Oh I nearly missed this gem - I started off with the sound actually but mum's laughing and your snuffling made the girls go all silly and as I'm above Mr FF's head (his office is below where I sit doing all this) I killed the sound quicky. What a shame I couldn't kill the girls' sound quickly - they do go on.
Well done on the Dummy. I've got one too - but they are very sought after and I was delighted when I got mine.
that is hilarious - the farting hands tricks works on small dogs and children with equal effect :-) Not that I am lumping you into a category with small children, Henry, but if the sock fits.....
Well Henry, at least when you run around crazy, you don't knock over furniture. Duncan and Oliver are a bit more destructive when they try that indoors.
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