The bag on the left was a present from the lovely Braja. Before that, mum used to shove my toys and stuff in a common carrier bag. Now I’ve got a proper bag, all the way from India. That's my food tin on the right - the most important thing!
As I said, I’m packed and ready to go. Well, I’m packed, but I’M not ready to go. I’d rather stay here cuddled up in mum’s ironing.

Mum grumbles that I always sit on her ironing. I guess she’s right. It smells nice. It smells like outside.
I’ll be gone until 14th March, but mum will be blogging about her new experiences in the UK – so expect a lot of moaning…..only kidding. To be fair to her, she seldom moans. But she does rant from time to time.
Au Revoir and see you soon.
MUM’S BLOG: Henry the Dog's Mum – why not drop in and say hello?
I'll miss you Henry - but I know you and your girls will be having fun with Jane and co at the kennels.
Oh Henry, I hope that you can teach me some new French words when you get back. Love n hugs xxxxxBlu &the Big Wooferxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have a fun time at the kennels, I be waiting for your return on the 14th, love and huggles (don't tell Zebby), Mickle
Enjoy the break, Henry!
I wish you all the best, Henri, with your new Braja-Bag and assorted munchies... I love the pic of you on the laundry, but I thought only cats did that!
I don't want you to think I am deserting you, but I'm just off to look at your lovely mum's new blog - To wish her all the best in her adventures to come! Love and hugs, Henry! x
I'm already missing you my little grey furry friend, but I'm happy to know a little piece of me is going withyou in the form of that bag :))) Big woof and kiss :)
Ok I'm writing to a dog who can't read...
bisous to you, my little furry friend. I'm going to miss you but look forward to hearing all your future stories.
Glad your pretty new bag is all packed and that your food time will be by your side the whole time on your journey.
Henry, don't forget us. We're the beauties in Brittany and if any female dogs get too friendly you tell them we'll run them out of town.
Tell you mum we will miss hearing about you, but will enjoy hearing about her adventures in the UK. My lady (and her Hunks) visited Manchester (and the surrounding area) a few years ago and would love to return to the scene of the crime! They privately renewed their vows in Castleton at an old beautiful fortress on a hill. I wasn't there -- :( KC -- but I've heard it retold so many times, I feel like I was!
Have a save trip Henry! See you when you get back.
Aw, Henry, I love that pic of you! Have fun in the kennels! :-*
Dear Henry,
I am starting a One-Minute Writer podcast where I'll be reading some of the prompts and winning entries. I was thinking of using the "Letter" prompt that you inspired on 12/24. I'd like permission to use it. If you don't mind, please put your paws up on the keyboard and e-mail me at cbethblog (at) gmail (dot) com.
Thanks! Hope you are having a great trip!
-C. Beth
Look after yourself and take care and we look forward to hearing about all your adventures when you return.
Lots of woofs
Henry my friend,
I am just a wee bit jealous. I am sure you will have a grrrreat time at the kennel. Of course you will never admit that to your mum. Guilt can get us so many little perks, right? That is a grrreat vacation bag you have there. I prefer socks to ironing, but you sure seem to have made the most of that situation.
Maybe you will get lucky (like I did) and find yourself some twins at the kennel. Mine are such hot babes. One has gorgeous eyes and the other has hair to die for. I will cross my paws and hope you get lucky too.
Licks & Wags
Hello Henry,
i will miss you, be back soon! and have fun :]
best regards
You've been quite the dog about town haven't you? Gone again, so soon? Well, I'll miss you, my furry friend. Enjoy your visit, I'll wait to hear from you when you get back.
Now, it's over to your Mum's, say hello...
Hello Henry,
Have a great holiday and hurry back as you're going to be a big miss.
I'll pop over and have a look at your mum's blog.
Take care.
Honestly, you creatures! The Cat can't get on the ironing quick enough either. What is the appeal?
Will certainly look at your mum's blog, H, and I hope you have a nice holiday
will miss you needless to say
Honestly, you creatures! The Cat can't get on the ironing quick enough either. What is the appeal?
Will certainly look at your mum's blog, H, and I hope you have a nice holiday
will miss you needless to say
Henry dear pal - I am going to miss you terribly while you are at the kennels, but I will thinking about and imagining the trouble you are sure to stir up there.
I love your traveling bag - how chic and how sweet of lovely Braja.
After I finish writing this I am going to curl up in some laundry because I like it too. See you soon buddy!
Wishing you great adventures at the kennel, Henry! Be good!
Miss you, when you're at the kennels Matey. Love Bryn
Will tell my Mum to visit yr Mum's blog.
Henry I can't tell what is you and what is the ironing. If you end up with straight hair, I'll know why.
It is much better to rant than to whinge.
What's the verdict on Chappie?
Will miss you Henry dear, but you have a fun time with all the hot women at the kennel. Will look out for your stories.
Until then will listen to Mum's rants! :)
Oh NO! I finally get over here to say hi and you're gone! GAH! See you soon Henry...poppin' over to your mum's site now!
Henry is so cute! We just adopted a Schnoodle and they have very similar expressions :) I thought Henry might want to enter to win a new toy (West Paw Designs Eco Bone) http://blog.themodernpet.com/files/category-contests-0026-giveaways.html
We will miss you Henry....love your new travel bag!!! See you soon! :)
Take care, little man. We'll miss you.
I hope you have a good time, Henry! (For my birthday this year, Mr. Geek got me two monogrammed bags - one with my initials, and one with D O G!)
Have a good time Henry! I'll be watching for your glorious return.
In the meantime, I'll visit your mum's blog.
Henry... I'm sorry to tell you that our dear Braja has been involved in a nasty (serious) car accident on the way to the airport. Please tell your mum to go to my blog to find out more. I've found a link to a site where we can follow updates and find out how she, her husband and the taxi driver are doing...
Have a great time Henry! We look forward to your return!!
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. I notice some new faces around here. Must go and have a look at your blog. xxxx
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