Well it’s ‘au revoir’ folks for a while. My mum explains it all on her blog here Henry the Dog's Mum. I think things aren’t going too well for her and UHugh, but they could be much worse. I’m going into the kennels whilst she goes over to the UK, but even when I get back I may not be able to blog for a while.
In the meantime, I want to thank Dumdad from The Other Side of Paris for two more awards.
As you know, I don’t normally pass awards on, but this time I’m going to make an exception. I’m going to pass them both on and bugger the rules that are attached to each award. It won't hurt for once to break them.
In the meantime, I want to thank Dumdad from The Other Side of Paris for two more awards.
As you know, I don’t normally pass awards on, but this time I’m going to make an exception. I’m going to pass them both on and bugger the rules that are attached to each award. It won't hurt for once to break them.
All my human bloggers have got cupboards full of trophies, and all well deserved, so you don’t need any.
So, I’m going to pass these awards on to all my doggy pals – and if I forget any of you, pop along and pick them up anyway
The first one is the Premio Dardos Award. Premio Dardos apparently means “prize darts” in Spanish. It is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. That can't be me - it sounds much too grand, but hey, what the hell. I AM grand. And so are my doggy pals.
So, I’m going to pass these awards on to all my doggy pals – and if I forget any of you, pop along and pick them up anyway
The first one is the Premio Dardos Award. Premio Dardos apparently means “prize darts” in Spanish. It is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. That can't be me - it sounds much too grand, but hey, what the hell. I AM grand. And so are my doggy pals.

The second award is this one.

The premise of this award is blogs that one couldn't miss each morning.
So they BOTH go to:
Life of Stubby Stubby’s a real ‘eco warrior’ and very good pal.
Clive who is a true hero, a working dog who brings a ray of sunshine into the life of ‘Little Man’
Frankly Speaking – my friend Frankie Furter – a little Daschund who does stuff for charity and makes me feel humble.
Minnie-Moo – the rescue lab, who’s simply great fun and quite a babe.
Detroit Dog – because they do good things for dogs and it was one of the first blogs I started to follow
Ruby Isabella Jones – I love her philosophy, and she’s also a babe.
Scruff the Wonder Dog – a new find, and mum thinks he’s cute.
Baby Vodka – mum says he’s the cutest mini schnauzer she’s seen (other than me of course)
Finding Sirius – a lovely blog about a rescue dog & other rescue dogs & worthy causes – you must pop over there and have a look. The photographs and stories are enchanting.
NONE OF YOU HAS TO PASS THE AWARDS ON. They’re simply for you to keep in your trophy cupboard.
Ok, so I’ll be off.
Au revoir & HOPE to see you again one day soon.
(I'll be lurking)
We'll miss you Henry. Wish your Mum and UHugh all the best and I hope you'll be back with your wonderful blog when things pick up for them. x
Congratulations on more well-deserved awards! Looks like you've passed them on to some wonderful blogging dogs!
Your mum explained things very well. You take care of yourself, Henry. Mary and I will miss you, (not as much as your mum and UHugh will) and will blow kisses to you from across the pond. Sweet boy.
Oh Henry, you look so sad in your pic. You will be missed buddy. Have a fun time at the Kennels.
Marie & Peanut
Henry, I think Misty was dreaming about you last night 'cos she was making funny noises in her sleep and her fluffy tail was a-waggling.
Mummy has these awards so we'll leave them for all the others but I want to tell you that I love you more than Misty does and she might be the beauty but I'm the one with the brains
Yeh, right!
bye Henry, look after yourself
oh dang! the kennels!
oh well, nothing to do about it, eh?
You know, none of my dogs drinks coffee, ever, but, sometimes I have hot cocoa and Gni Gni doesn't mind her dogbone dipped in it.
just a splash, though.
Well, good luck, Henry.
If you ever want to visit the US, c'mon over! We REALLY know how to party!
MAX T. DOG & gang
(boneman took back his blog from us)
We will miss you so much. Your Mum explained it all very well and we absolutely understand.
Congratulations on your awards and thank you so much for passing them on to us and the other dogs. We really appreciate it. The little man even got it - after some explaining!!
Take care and we will be thinking about you!
lots of woofs and best wishes from us all
Clive and gang
Bye Henry - Your antics will be missed. :) KC
Hello Henry,
you look real sad ... Cheer up, as everyone will be waiting for you to come back!
i just went to Henry the Dog's Mum blog, i understand it. hope you will be doing just fine!
thanks for passing the awards to me! :] am really honour to recieve it from you!
i think you're such a cute schnauzer too! hehe, do come back soon!
i will miss you in the mean time. do take lots of cares!
best regards
Oh Henry I will miss you so, I've come to think of you as mine as you know I think Minature Schnauzers are the best and hearing your antics makes me smile. Come back soon. Take good care of you. Hugs and treats, Pat
Henry, you keep those paws warm for us - And we'll see your cute black wet nose very shortly, I hope!
We'll miss your little exploits, but I'll bet you get up to some mad things - Off to see your mum now...
Oh Henry, please dont look at me like that......it is a sad look..
Love to you and hugs to Mum Blu x
Hang in there Henry; I'm sure things will settle down for your Mum & UHugh.
Henry , I hope there is some hot chic doggies at the kennels and nice food!
I will be thinking of you pal!
Oh Henry! Will you be gone? Nooooo! I'll have to pop over to your mum straight away to find out what is happening.
I'll miss you and your cute butt! ;-)
Best of luck to you Henry! We'll be waiting anxiously for your glorious return!
Henry old pal - Congrats on your two awards! You are truly a star around the blogging community.
Thanks so much for passing the awards along to me - I am truly honored. These are the first awards I have received and I am so excited. Your nice words about me made Mom cry - you are such a good pal to me. Stubby xoxo
Oh Henry, if I lived closer, I'd have you live with me! :) I love dogs and you're just cuter than cute! See you soon!
We miss you Henry!! Congrats on your award and thank you so much for honouring us with one over at Finding Sirius! We will be waiting for your return!!! :)
Dear friend Henry, Congratulations on the two awards that YOU receiced and THANK YOU for sending them on to me and the others. I will think of you on Wed. when I make my monthly purchase and trip to the shelter.
I want to say something to you. I consider you to be the Alpha Blog Dog. After I started mine, someone sent me an email about yours. It was the first thing ever Bookmarked on my YapStop. I wish you and your mum and UHugh the very best. I will keep you all in my positive thoughts corner. It is in my Chest and goes bump bump bump.
You are the very much best Henry. Licks & Wags
Just sneaked into James & Janes house at the kennels to say thank you so much for all your kind comments.
Hi again, Henry, I hope you remembered to tell your mum that when the going is rrrruff the rrruff get going. Tell her to go off and SIC 'EM.
My paws are crossed for all of you.
You look so sad in that photo, Henry! We'll miss you terribly... blog when you can... we'll be here! xo
Oh Henry, Muzzle and I will miss you, we love reading your blog. Hope all works out for your mum and UH and that you can both be back blogging sooner than you think!
Take care - and thank you so much for passing on the awards.
Henry my darling, sorry i have commented on here so late! Am heartbroken about you and your mum. You will be in my thoughts and really hope to read your posts soon.
please take care xxxxxx
Congrats on your awards, Henry, they are well deserved.
Do take good care of yourself while you're in the kennels and have some fun. And I am sure things will work themselves out for your Mum and UHugh.
In the meantime, hope to see you soon!
Henry -- Thank you for the awards!
Quasar wants to say something to you Man-Dog to Man-Dog:
Henry, Have fun at the kennels. And I hope you meet up again with those wonderful twins, or perhaps a beautiful Afghan hound! I live vicariously through you, you know, so you must not stay away too long from blogging.
Mr. Q.
Lily and I will miss you much. Lily loves having an international play-dog blog friend. We hope that you have a fab time at the kennels while your mom and uncle get things sorted out.Treats and hugs to you.
Aw, Henry! I'm really going to miss you. I hope that you will be able to occassionally stay in touch, even if you aren't able to blog regularly. In the meantime, enjoy the kennels!
Keep a stiff, if somewhat hairy, upper lip, Henry!
Take care, Henry! Hope to see you blogging again soon!
I've just come back to blogging after a couple of weeks away from it and you're now going away ! ! ! !
Oh Henry....What am I going to do without you. Your cute little face - and behind - really brightens up my day.
Have a good time in the kennels and hope it won't be too long before you're back with us.
Lots of love
Marie (and her mam...)
I'm counting the days until you are back and will keep checking on you. Stay safe. Hugs, & pats,
I'll miss your sweet little face, Henry! I do hope you have a fabulous time at the kennels and make some good friends. Meanwhile, see if you can creep into your mum's posts once in a while coz we'll miss you!!
will miss you much, and your adventures, and keeping you in heart and mind 'til we meet again. Be well.
Dear Henry,
I'm dictating this to Mommy because I haven't yet figured out this opposable thumb thing. I just found your blog and find you are quite a good dog. That's the highest form of praise a dog can get, though I rarely do get it, because I'm a bit of a nuisance. (Mommy notes: shoe eater extraordinaire)
My brother Timmy and I go to the kennels every Christmas because Mommy goes to see her dad and he's quite blind and always tripping over us. I don't know why he can't smell us but Timmy says humans have bad noses.
Anyway, Mommy says I'm rambling but she does it too. I hope to see you back here soon. Good luck to your Mommy and UHugh.
(A Golden Retriever. Do you like "pleasantly plump" female friends? If so, I'm your girl!)
(rushes in pushing Misty out of the way to get to the keyboard first)
Henry, Henry - guess what? We're walking off our leads now along the canal path. Mummy has a little bag of treats in her hand and when we run too far ahead she waves the bag and shouts something and then me and Mist race back to see who can get to her first.
It makes mum laugh a lot and daddy took a film of us doing it.
I miss you H and Mist does as well.
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. I really miss you all. I've just sneaked on whilst mum is making some important phone calls to a big place in London where this Goliath guy comes from who mum and Uncle Hugh are going to have to fight and whose ankles I'm definitely going to savage. I'll show him who's boss! Anyway, enough of that.
Anonymous - I definitely like my bitches with a bit of meat on them, so that's a DEFO xxx
Poppy - you and misty have got your mum sussed, I reckon. In fact you are way more switched on than I am. I run back to mum when she calls me even if she DOESN'T have any treats. Perhaps I could start pretending I'm not hearing her. I miss everyone too, but mum needs the computer so much these days. I got back from the kennels this morning then something important arrived in the post and mum's been really busy ever since. Mum says that the next couple of months will be the busiest, then it might calm down. I've no idea what's going on but mum's got her serious face on at the mo, so I'm just going to make sure I give her lots of licks and cuddles. She's not maudlin, just focused. xxx
Ohh !! I gave you another award!
Go see!!
Please don't go away Henry. I'll just cry...i missed you so much when i was offline and now i'm here and you're gone...my heart breaks...big kisses to you, i'm going to writeto your mummy now...
Henry, it's good to see you here again. Mum is on the machine again and we're on our bean bags either side of her. I used to be scared of it because it made creaky noises when I got on and off and now I love it. We have competitions to who can snore the loudest lying on our backs.
I'm so glad I came by to just check on you and you had posted. Hope your Mum is doing great and you too. Miss you guys. Hugs, Pat
I know you're in the kennels but just in case you happen to be passing a computer, I want to wish you, your mum and Uncle Hugh a happy Easter.
Henry! Please sneak back.. I miss you too much!
Henry, we saw your little face on our blog list. Even though we know you're not around for a bit, had to stop by and say hello and that we hope you are all ok. We miss you.
Minnie-Moo & Muzzle
miss you Henry - with love from the two beauties
Wow Henry.. You look like fun to chase after.. my human and I have relatives that look just like you but are girls..
Just checking on you? Miss you lots. Hugs, Pat
bark bark :)
Miss you!!! Hope all is going well.
Henereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,( howls)
Where are you Mate? Hope all is well with you and Mum and Hugh.
And so I just caught you, cocking your leg round at Chairman Bill's place, and I needed to tell your mum that this weekend in York, I actually passed the Wetherby Whaler - I never really knew it existed... And how is Madame doing, et Henri! Nous attendons avec patience xox
Henry - you and your Mum (and Uncle Hugh) are very much missed by Mickle.
I'm so hoping "things" have improved so you get to see much more of your Mum. And that the %*#&~@***! stresses and wotsits have eased for your darling Mum.
Sending care and love, and gentle hugglw\es of concern,
Mickle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I miss you soo much!!!!!!!
I need for you to come back. I now have two schnauzers and I need your help with getting them grown up. Miss you lots. Hope Mum and Hugh are ok. Hugs, pat
We hope things work out and you get to come back soon and recieve more awards for your outstanding blog!
Licks and wags
The Dog Woods Pack
Missing you and wishing you well!
Just dropping by to say 'hello' - that we miss you - and to say we hope all is going okay and that the battles are being won and all that!
Take care
Clive and gang
Henry? Write me....tell your mummy i miss her and to write me?
Where ever Henry and Mum and Uncle Hugh are at -
Yep we're yelling at you.... still loving you madly.......
Much love and care from Mickle and Zebster.......
well, Gni Gni doesn't miss anyone, anymore.
By now she's in her next pack, and I hope she's as happy as I made her.
Anal cancer took her away, thoughn ot without a fight.
(and screw peta, the lousy beggars! no help were they in suggesting killing my baby back in April. She went all the way to deep Summer before she couldn't 'go' anymore.
Now our other two seem to be racing for their holes out back!
my heart has a hard time with this.
maybe I should just dig three holes?
gonna make my friends com to the wake with old clothes and shovels! Earn their chow, as it were!
Hope all is still well with you folks.
Will still help if you need it.
Henry, can you please come back? And bring your Mummy? We miss her terribly. And you're too lovely to go missing on us.....
Henry, can you please come back? And bring your Mummy? We miss her terribly. And you're too lovely to go missing on us.....
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